Sending mail using multiple Mu4e contexts in Emacs

My current email client of choice is Mu4e within Emacs. There’s plethora of reasons why I have settled for it instead of some other client and why in the end, I transitioned to it from mutt, but that’s perhaps a topic for some future article. Setting up Mu4e in the beginning was pretty simple as I had only one email account and used asynchronous email function to queue emails and then flush them all in one go....

December 24, 2020 · 3 min · Ivan Tomica

Replacing OfflineIMAP with MBSync (isync)

For most of my private email needs I prefer to use Mu4e within Emacs. It is a module of Emacs which basically searches through Mu index file. Naturally, to be able to index something, you first need to fetch it. In this case “it” are email messages from the server, or, my mailbox if you wish. For this particular purpose OfflineIMAP utility has served me well over the time, and to be honest, my needs are quite simple:...

March 31, 2020 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

mu4e on Fedora

Since recently I’m an Emacs user, and as such I like to have my Emacs everywhere. Including on the laptop which runs Fedora 30 at this moment. One of the most crucial things for me is email, which is being handled by mu/mu4e. And since I was unable to google things properly I was going through hassle of downloading and building mu from the source code, which then provided me with mu4e....

July 7, 2019 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica