Firefox 52 Gnome shell integration on Fedora 25

After update to newest Firefox version on Fedora 25 my gnome shell integration stopped working. When visiting website I was greeted with following message: To control GNOME Shell extensions using this site you must install GNOME Shell integration that consists of two parts: browser extension and native host messaging application. When I followed the link and installed gnome shell integration Firefox plugin I was getting following error: Attempt to postMessage on disconnected port...

March 10, 2017 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

Owncloud client on Fedora 25

If you were fast on a trigger and upgraded to Fedora 25 as soon as it was available and you use Owncloud client for your syncing needs you may found yourself that Owncloud client doesn’t start. You may have also noticed an that it causes an error while trying to perform an upgrade to newest release. Error that I got while wanting to start up client was: owncloud: error while loading shared libraries: libqt5keychain....

November 25, 2016 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

SSH agent service in Fedora

It is wise to protect your private SSH keys with a strong password so in case somebody manages to get your private key somehow he will still need password for it to be able to use it and that should hopefully give you enough time to change your keys. When you have password protected private key you need to enter your password every time you use it which can be problematic, especially when you use your key a lot....

October 2, 2016 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

Installing AwesomeWM on Fedora

I used to use AwesomeWM back when I was still running an Arch Linux. After switching to Fedora I decided to stay with Gnome to try it out. With time I got used to it again, and in matter of fact I found myself liking it a lot. Yesterday I had a conversation with my brother about broad selection of topics regarding Linux, text editors, desktop environments and much more, amongst all we touched on the topic of Awesome window manager....

August 27, 2016 · 2 min · Ivan Tomica

Install rainbowstream on Fedora

Rainbowstream is simple command line based Twitter client. If you prefer reading your twitter stream in browser, client like tweetdeck and similar, go ahead, I won’t stop you from doing that. But if you, like me, want to experiment with command line twitter client then this guide will help you set it up in Fedora (24). Rainbowstream is available as the python package and is just “pip away”. To install it you can use:...

August 20, 2016 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

Reset GNOME shortcuts

Have you ever messed around with GNOME shortcuts and ended up with all of the shortcuts turned upside down? No? Well I have. To reset all shortcuts to it’s default state you can use: gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings or if you wish to reset just one shortcut you can use: gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings maximize where maximize in this case is the name of the property you wish to reset (eg. show-desktop, switch-windows etc....

June 16, 2016 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

Fedora 22 and Nvidia proprietary drivers

This blog post will talk about how to set up Nvidia proprietary drivers on your Fedora 22 Workstation, or at least how I did it ;-) Detect your Nvidia card model: lspci |grep -i VGA Switch to root (or execute rest of the commands with sudo priviledges: su Update your system and reboot after that: dnf update -y reboot Enable RPM Fusion repositories: dnf install -y Install Nvidia drivers (8 + series of cards are supported):...

June 12, 2015 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica

Switched to Fedora

I switched to the new Fedora 22 release and it feels good ;-) Here’s screenshot from my laptop:

June 4, 2015 · 1 min · Ivan Tomica